Saturday, August 23, 2008


Done with a grueling summer semester and ready for a short two week break before the madness begins again.

Speaking of madness, did anyone else know the DNC is happening in Denver? Hmmm....who knew. :) By the way, some guy named Michael Phelps won something like 8 gold medals in the Olympics....but uh.

Kel and I are heading downtown tonight for dinner at Osteria Marco. We're going to check out the buzz. The DNC has been a huge undertaking and the city feels primed. Some are nervous, but I think most are happy to show off Denver. It's going to be a zoo. There are motorcades and road closures. Traffic is restricted all over the place. Security is insane. 5,000 extra police are coming to town from other states. I've got a buddy blogging the convention so it'll be interesting to get his take. After the Veep announcement earlier today, I watched Wolf Blitzer on CNN and he was just down at the Pepsi Center. The nation's focus will be on Denver. Pretty cool.

Case and I went biking this morning at Deer Creek. The weather was great. Mid 70's, moist from fresh rain, lot'so sun, good flowy singletrack. Kel and I then went to a birthday party at Cherry Creek reservoir and had a BBQ. We're heading out to dinner shortly before some hiking tomorrow... Good weekend.

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