Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Prep

Kel and I got up this morning and started baking and cooking.  We're responsible for dessert and mashed potatoes.  I attempted a pumpkin pie from scratch (roasted the pumpkin myself), but so far it looks like it might be a bit soupy.  Oops.  It smells good.  We also made a chocolate pudding pie and the crust from scratch for both.  Kel took care of the mashed potatoes (garlicky).  

Our new favorite breakfast is french toast made from Seeduction Loaf (from Whole Foods).  I prepped myself for dinner by downing 5 pieces.  It's imperative to keep the stomach stretched and ready if you expect to do any damage at Thanksgiving dinner.  ;)   We also made Maggie a couple of the small end pieces.  She loves french toast...imagine that.  

Time to take Mags to the park.  Hope all are having a great Thanksgiving...

Sunday, November 23, 2008


I've seen too many references made to twitter to not see what the hype is about.  I'm now twittering and it seems pretty cool.  Whether it's all that useful remains to be seen, but it's kinda fun.  My twitter feed is  Check it out for updates...

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Picasa 3, from Google, has a new feature that will automatically create a collage from selected images. Above is a sample from the Monarch Creast MTB ride. Pretty cool stuff.
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Summer in November

We've had great weather all month and it looks like it will continue through Thanksgiving.  I've been able to get a bunch of rides in lately.  Case and I conquered Centennial Cone on Veteran's Day.   17 miles, 2800' of climbing, and one gorgeous day.  One of my new favorite Front Range trails.  

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Flying By...

The weeks have been flying by. Winter is coming. We've had great weather up to this point, but it looks as if we may get some snow in the next couple of days. School has been pretty time consuming for both Kel and I. No big trips lately or any crazy adventures. We've gotten on the bikes a bit and I've been riding to and from work, but it's shoulder season in the mountains. Not enough snow to snowshoe or snowboard. I'm hoping to get a ride or two on the mountain bike before the snow flies tomorrow. I took Monday off to make a four day weekend with Veterans Day on Tuesday. Not a whole lot to report (hence the lack of posts), but big sigh of relief and sense of hope from Nov. 4th. Woot Woot!

Maybe some pics tomorrow...